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1st Modification

First Modification

Wall Sit

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 30 Second Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 60 Second Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 100 Second Repetitions

  • This is as timed exercise that is a great indicator of what our joints can handle when getting prepared to tackle a squat!

  • It’s perfect for those who maybe impacted by slight ankle or knee discomfort. Having a strong support behind us to help guide our weight issues a very useful tool to keep our balance if we have weaknesses around our ankle or knee joints. Wall sits will help strengthen the stabilizers needed to perform a squat.

  • Let’s start with our backs against a strongly supported wall.

  • Lower ourselves to the seated position, knees shoulder width apart, and toes pointed straight.

  • We really don’t want to go any farther than 90° in our legs here, quite yet. It’s been proven that having our knees over our toes is actually quite ideal but we can discuss that when we get to other modifications. For now, let’s just build some endurance in our stability.

Second Modification

Jackknife Squat

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 10 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 20 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 30 Repetitions

Second Modification
  • This exercise will feel different to everybody. This will intimidate some and will bore others. Joint weakness and daily movements have been impacted by people unable to get down into a good deep squat – knees well over toes.

  • Let’s find a strong base that is roughly knee high to assist us.

  • Start with our feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Our feet should be pointing forward, toward the helpful bench.

  • We’ll bend forward 90° at the hips and place our hands on our bench.

  • With the bench helping to support our weight, let’s bend our knees and get our butts down to hover just above the ground. If our stomach is in the way, our goal is to get as low as we can without rotating those hips and abducting the knees.

  • We want to keep our legs perpendicular to our shoulders. We don’t want our knees going out and away or caving in.

  • Hold for one second and then drive up through the heels nice and controlled to return to standing, bent over position.

  • Use the bench to assist us when needed but let’s remember that our goal is to eventually get rid of any assist. Just remember to keep those heels planted. This isn’t leapfrog.

  • If we have pace issues and there was ever an exercise to correct that then this would be the one! Take this slow and steady and unassisted squats will be in our future.

Third Modification

Third Modification

Assisted Squat

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 10 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 20 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 30 Repetitions

  • We’re going to be getting an assist from pulling this time instead of pushing ourselves up like the Jackknife Squat.

  • This time let’s choose something higher to assist us like a cemented railing or a Smith machine bar set to a height that will help us pull ourselves up and out of the squat.

  • Let’s have our feet shoulder width apart and let our breath guide us. Inhale as we rise and exhaling as we squat. Keep our breath controlled, keep our squats controlled.

  • Really get deep and try to keep our back as neutral as possible. But don't obsess over it. Many people need to lean forward slightly to keep their balance.

  • Use the bar to assist us but let’s keep in kind that our goal is to be able to do a squat without it. You’re doing great!

Fourth Modification

Fourth Modification


Beginner Level

3 Sets of 5 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 10 Repetitions


Advanced Level

2 Sets of 50 Repetitions

  • Congratulations for getting to the first exercise of the unassisted squat squad.

  • Many people will lean forward during this exercise. Often, calisthenics are utilized by people that are slightly smaller in stature and are often light on their feet. They may find it considerably easier to balance their weight and wouldn't need to lean as much. If you're completely bent forward then you may need to regress until you can get some stability but if you have a slight lean, don't beat yourself up about it. Usually, the taller and heavier you are, the more you'll need to learn but obviously this is a generalization.

  • We’ll start with our feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.

  • Raise our arms out in front of us to help keep our balance during the squatting motion.

  • Let’s sit our butts into our invisible chair with a good exhale and really check our spinal flexion.

  • While we inhale, raise up through the heels instead of our toes and we'll be able to properly feel the muscle activation throughout the legs.

Fifth Modification

Fifth Modification

Deep Squat

Beginner Level

2 Sets of 10 Repetitions


Novice Level

2 Sets of 20 Repetitions


Advanced Level

2 Sets of 30 Repetitions

  • Whenever we begin to master our body’s movements, the standard always becomes debated. And for good reason. Individual responsiveness is often overlooked and we forget that people have different length in their legs or a different skeletal foundation all together. Sometimes the reasons for how our squat looks at completion may be due to other factors rather than our muscles. Maybe we’ve had children or have particularly longer legs. Try to focus on what feels right for us.

  • If we get our butts down to hover above the earth with our backs nice and neutral and our heels are still grounded, then we’ve won the day. Congratulations because you’re kind of an all star at this point. Great job!

  • Let’s remember to keep everything controlled and try not to hop out of our lowered position. We may get more reps this way but we both know that using momentum robs us of our true progression.

  • Start with our arms out in front of us to give us some balance and take a good inhale.

  • As we begin to lower ourselves, think "accordion" as we exhale to completion.

  • Pause for a moment, maybe take a small breath but leave the tank empty because we're going to inhale as we rise to begin our next rep.

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