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1st Modification

First Modification

Flat Footed Pulls

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 25 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 40 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 50 Repetitions

  • Choose something well rooted such as a tree and start at arms length away. Grip the tree firmly. If it’s too thick, use a towel and wrap it around the tree. Use the towel to grip.

  • Take a good inhale and then pull ourselves toward the tree while we exhale.

  • Keep our elbows tucked by our sides and make sure to keep it relaxed. Don’t pump these out. Really try to feel these because we’re trying to activate all the little muscles that are preventing us from getting in a hanging pull up.

  • When your chest comes to the tree, hold it for a second and inhale as you return to your starting position.

Second Modification

Second Modification

Hanging Inverted Rows

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 15 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 30 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 50 Repetitions

  • Whatever you choose to hang from, try to keep the height of it consistent so you can gauge proper progress. 

  • Place our hands roughly shoulder width apart and let’s take a good inhale while in our starting position.

  • Exhale as we pull ourselves. We should have our hands aligned with our sternum or slightly below our middle chest and the body should remain aligned. Think… you guessed it – pencil.

  • Do not move on from here until we’ve reached Advanced Level. This exercise is crucial to building the proper stability to prepare us for our goal of completing pull ups.

Third Modification

Third Modification

Advanced Inverted Rows

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 15 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 20 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 25 Repetitions

  • Quick reminder to, if possible, be at the same height as the previous modifications of pull ups to really be able to understand our progression.

  • Let’s set up a base or foundation that is hip height to place our feet on during our inverted row.

  • We’ll be pulling ourselves to meet the bar, rings, or whatever device we’re using at our sternum while keeping our hands comfortably slightly wider than shoulder width.

  • Remember to allow our breath to guide us while we inhale back to starting position and exhale to complete the repetition. Really hone in on form for these so the next modification has a better opportunity to be obtainable.

Fourth Modification

Jackknife Pull Up

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 5 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 10 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 20 Repetitions

Fourth Modification
  • Welcome to our first vertical modification of the pull up.

  • Let’s take a good inhale and lift ourselves to bring the bar to our chest during our exhale.

  • Our head should come over the bar as we really engage our backs by truly trying to drive our chest to the bar.

  • As we allow our body to come down, just extend the arms and stay on our heels to support our weight. Let's inhale as we go.

  • Let our breath guide us and really engage on each repetition as this will be our last modification to have our weight assisted by our feet. Use this advantage to firm up form.

Fifth Modification

Fifth Modification

Pull Up or Chin Up

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 3 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 5 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 10 Repetitions

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pull ups 2.jpg
  • Congratulations for getting here! This is an exciting accomplishment to be able to save our lives if we should ever be hanging onto the side of a cliff.

  • Our hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width and we’re going to replicate the Jackknife but without any assistance from our good buddy, Earth.

  • Our heads should be coming above the bar, and we want the bar to come to our chest.

  • Having an overhand grip will be a pull up and an underhand grip will be a chin up. Pull ups will have more emphasis on muscles in the back where chin ups will use much more of the biceps. Become diligent at both exercises because we don’t get to choose our grip while sliding off of the side of a mountain! (Because obviously this is a real danger of everyday life).

  • “Perfect form" is in the eyes of the beholder but if we’re engaging everything we need to while we’re completing our reps, then we can be at peace with our results. Great job!

  • Feel free to go far beyond the Advanced Level of repetitions before trying to modify this exercise. Mastering this is truly for the athletically gifted so pumping out 20 reps in a set of pull ups is very impressive. Congratulations on being (at the very least) 1% safer during a mud slide or an avalanche. 

Sixth Modification

Sixth Modification

Wide Grip Pull Up

Beginner Level

3 Sets of 3 Repetitions


Novice Level

3 Sets of 5 Repetitions


Advanced Level

3 Sets of 10 Repetitions


Next Level

1 Set of 50 Repetitions

Wide Grip Pull Ups.jpg
Wide Grip Pull Ups 2.jpg
  • Welcome to our friend, the wide grip modification. The only difference will be a wider grip. This has always been a debated exercise, but if we’re being honest, there’s very little exercises left on the planet that haven’t been over debated.

  • Even if you believe that 50 Repetitions of this is borderline impossible, it’s fun to set the bar high! Try starting with several sets. For instance, 5 sets of 10 reps and then 10 sets of 5 reps. We can also break it up further like 3 sets of 10 reps, 2 sets of 5 reps, and 5 sets of 2 reps.

  • As long as you get to 50 in some way for your workout, you’re a champion! Congratulations!!

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