First Modification
Vertical Knee Raises
Beginner Level
3 Sets of 10 Repetitions
Novice Level
3 Sets of 20 Repetitions
Advanced Level
3 Sets of 30 Repetitions
Let’s begin on our backs with our palms down and by our sides.
We’ll lift our heels and strive to keep our feet off the ground for the duration of the entire set.
Bend the knees and engage by tilting our hips so our lower back can touch the ground. Think of tucking our navel right to the floor.
If we get low back pain trying to do this, then try using a cushion or towel for support until we’ve developed some strength to help prevent that uncomfortable strain. Place it at the base of the spine where we would feel some relief. Remember this is only temporary until we get stronger.
Let our breath guide us. We’ll inhale as we bring our knees up and exhale as we straighten out.
Second Modification
Leg Raises
Beginner Level
3 Sets of 5 Repetitions
Novice Level
3 Sets of 10 Repetitions
Advanced Level
3 Sets of 20 Repetitions
We’ll begin laying down on our backs with our arms by our sides, palms facing down. We’ll use our arms for balance.
Make sure that our feet stay off the ground for the duration of our set. We only want to have our heels touch the ground between sets.
Bring our legs up to our max range of motion without pulling the lower back up from the ground.
Pause for a second and lower back to the starting position.
If you have any lower back pain than try placing a cushion under the lower back. But remember this is only temporary until we build enough strength to take away that discomfort.
Third Modification
Alternating Leg Raises
Beginner Level
2 Sets of 10 Repetitions (per side)
Novice Level
3 Sets of 10 Repetitions (per side)
Advanced Level
3 Sets of 20 Repetitions (per side)
Everything we’re doing for raises should have our feet elevated during the entire set.
Just like Leg Raises, we’re going to pause for a second when we get reach our max range of motion and when we come back to starting point.
Make sure to use our arms by our sides as balance while we maintain controlled movements. No fluttering or jerking motions. Let’s build some endurance!
Lift one leg to our max range of motion without compromising our back positioning and return to the starting position after our pause. Alternate between left and right legs to complete a repetition.
Fourth Modification
Hanging Knee Raises
Beginner Level
3 Sets of 5 Repetitions
Novice Level
3 Sets of 10 Repetitions
Advanced Level
3 Sets of 20 Repetitions
The more we bend our knees during this exercise, the easier it is. Let’s try to work on getting the legs to a 90° angle.
Grab a hanging device like a sturdy tree branch and let’s engage our core by tilting our pelvis back. This can really help avoid any discomfort during our raises.
Bring our legs up while bending our knees until we reach that desired 90° and then pause for a second.
We’ll then release and return to starting position.
Fifth Modification
Hanging Leg Raises
Beginner Level
3 Sets of 5 Repetitions
Novice Level
3 Sets of 10 Repetitions
Advanced Level
3 Sets of 20 Repetitions
Just like Hanging Knee Raises, this exercise is more difficult pending the degree of bend in the knee. The straighter the legs, the harder this will be. However, let’s try to keep our pelvis tilted back and our core engaged. It’s easy to lean and sway during this exercise. Let’s keep it slow and controlled.
If our arms are getting tired, then try pulling ourselves up a bit to release some of the pull or maybe drop down until our arms are ready.
It can also help us maintain good form and control if we squeeze our legs together. Maybe not. Try it out and see if it works.
Hands should be at a comfortable width just near shoulder width apart and we’ll take a good inhale before we lift our legs.
Upon exhale, we’ll lift our legs to a 90° angle at the hip and we’ll try to prevent the knees from bending. We want all the weight of our legs giving us max resistance.